We have a versatile team of babysitters ready to offer babysitting services in Porto and surrounding areas. Just mention "Babysitting Porto," and we guarantee care and a unique experience for your family. Check out our nanny rates in Porto today!
Full-Time Nanny
40 hours per week (min. 6 month commitment)*
340€/ week
40 hours per week (no commitment)*
380€/ week
Part-Time Nanny
Less than 80 hours/month
11€/ hour
More than 80 hours/month
9.5€/ hour
VAT of 6% is applied for individuals and 23% for companies.
Full-Time Nanny is considered > 40h/week.
Overtime for full-time services: €8.5/h (≥ 6 months) / €9.5/h (< 6 months)
Part-Time Nanny is considered for services lasting > 3 months.
Occasional Nanny
Less than 16 hours/week
12.5€/ hour
More than 16 hours/week
11€/ hour
Hotel nanny*
27.5€/ hour
Maternity Nanny**
More than 40 hours/week
24.5€/ hour
Between 16 and 40 hours/week
27€/ hour
More than 40 hours/week
29€/ hour
VAT of 6% for individuals and 23% for companies is applied to prices.
*The mentioned hotel rates may vary depending on the partnership protocol.
**Different rates apply for Nighttime Maternity Babysitting Services.
Nanny on Holidays*
7 Day Pack
470€/ week
Live-in nanny
5 days/week (≥4 weeks)
438.8€/ week
6 days/week (≥4 weeks)
478.3€/ week
VAT of 6% for individuals and 23% for companies is applied to prices.
*For other plans, please get in touch.
Children’s Entertainment & Events
1 nanny
29€/ hour
2 nannies
46€/ hour
3 nannies
66€/ hour
VAT of 6% for individuals and 23% for companies is applied to prices.
For a quote on Children's Entertainment with additional caregivers, please contact us.